Have you ever started watching a movie, only to find yourself immediately gripped by the soundtrack? Ennio Morricone is one of our favorite film composers and has repeatedly left us swimming in sound. Check out our 5 favorite film scores and immerse yourself in the magic of music.

Ennio Morricone: Quick Bio
He studied the trumpet in the early 1950s and his music career has been multi-faceted. Ennio Morricone worked as a film music composer in the early 1960s with much success. He quickly earned worldwide fame composing music for Sergio Leone westerns. You will quickly get lost down the path of familiarizing yourself with his music because he has scored over 400 films in his lifetime. Even so—we have a few favorites to get you going!

The Hateful 8 Soundtrack
Moving backwards chronologically in time, the first soundtrack we recommend is for Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful 8. We found ourselves totally gripped by Ennio Morricone as he sets the tone for the movie. The entire soundtrack is both ominous and thrilling. “L’Ultima Diligenza di Red Rock – Versione Integrale” is our favorite! The score features notable references to The Thing and The Exorcist II.
so spooky—love this so much.
Cartoni Animati
If you have a soft spot for beautiful and tragic melodies, Cartoni Animati might be the soundtrack for you. Ennio Morricone presents multiple versions of the same basic track using various instruments and styles. If the joy of repetition really is in you, you will love every variation. (Our favorite is “Seq. 1”.)
time to go to Italy. for-ev-er.
Stato Interessante
Our next soundtrack recommendation, Strato Interessante, is quite versatile. You will fall in love with the sounds of Ennio Morricone on the twang of the first track. The score is both sexy and stylish; which we find to be quintessentially Italian. The second piece, “Per Annabella”, is lovely and serene and the composition is wonderful background music at home.
molto triste e bello .
La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso
The La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso soundtrack is full of drama and suspense. The 1971 political drama, composed by Ennio Morricone, is both fascinating and sobering. It follows the story of a factory worker who realizes he is only a tool in the system. True to most of Morricone’s compositions, the first song sets the tone for the rest of the score. Morricone is so good at moving you along a melody.
tap into your inner resister with this marching melody.
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Everyone recognizes the familiar coyote-like howl in The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, starring Clint Eastwood. The film is probably the most recognizable soundtrack composed by Ennio Morricone. He uses sounds like gunfire, whistling, and yodeling to symbolize different characters and themes throughout the movie soundtrack. Our favorite is “The Ecstasy of Gold”. It is the classic sound of our modern westerns and conjure images of riding into the sunset.
also used as introductory music in Metallica concerts, FYI.
Riesco a capirla.
We hope you are picking up what we are putting down in the soundtrack category. Only a master like Ennio Morricone can stop us dead halt in the middle of a movie. Work to become familiar with his beautiful and unique compositions. It will elevate your soul and tune your ear to something a little more grand.