Make the most of your stay-at-home time without going completely stir-crazy. We’ve compiled staycation activities and past article ideas to help you have fun at home. All of our ideas are easy to do on your own and are kid-friendly, […]
Make the most of your stay-at-home time without going completely stir-crazy. We’ve compiled staycation activities and past article ideas to help you have fun at home. All of our ideas are easy to do on your own and are kid-friendly, […]
Traveling the world is a common dream for people, but it takes a bit of preparation beforehand. The first step before traveling to a foreign country is to learn a foreign language. It’s imperative that you know how to communicate […]
The holiday season may have left us, but its chilly weather wants to stay just a bit longer. A DIY knit blanket is the perfect item to stay warm, but what makes it even better? A blanket that you worked […]
You may recall from seasons past our old gift-giving mantra, “something they want; something they need; something to wear; something to read.” We’ve compiled a couple of Christmas gift books for kids of all ages. As recommended by our collection […]
Don’t you feel like a lovely handmade gift is wonderful? We have a soft spot in our hearts for DIY Christmas gifts that are made with that special ingredient – love. Make a batch at home and give them to neighbors, […]
Time to hunker back down and get some reading done. Now that school is back in session, you might have a little extra time for novels and the like. Need a good suggestion? One of my number one favorite authors is […]
Getting tired of the suggestions in your Netflix queue? Allow me to introduce you to the best of the BBC! One British crime drama led to another and I was hooked. What started as a mild curiosity has become a […]
We’re here to make your life easier! Breaking chores up into small daily tasks helps you keep your house clean. The trick is to find the right cleaning lists that you can truly stick to. It allows you to turn […]
Time to turn off your TVs ladies! Instead, delve into one of these provocative novels from the 19th century. Our latest reads explore prepossessing aspects of human nature that are just as relevant today. We all have ways that we […]
Last-minute gifts? There’s still time to be thoughtful! If you know the recipient’s love language, you can come up with the perfect gift easy. To learn more, or to find out your love language, buy the book, The 5 Love […]
My dad has been gung-ho about emergency preparedness and food storage for years. It finally took the likes of Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, and Steve Carell to convince me. Watch The Big Short and see what you think about global […]
I am the opposite of a hoarder. My closets are regularly purged and very few objects hold sentimental value to me. Remember my article about my dear old roommate Aynsley Campbell? She used to describe our home decor styles as […]
My family traveled to Florida this summer and I was nervous about taking 3 little kids on the plane. We planned to do a lot of sightseeing (including Sea World!) so I started researching ways to make the vacation as […]
One of the best things you can add to your beach bag this year is a hefty little book. Classic novels are perfect for Summer reading. Choose one that is enjoyable, but one that is still easy to put down! […]
Have you jumped on our Spring cleaning bandwagon yet? The new year is on it’s way with first quarter initiatives coming to a close. Now things are going to start ramping up, and March and April are the perfect months […]
Are you addicted to your cell phone? There is an interesting video going around of Simon Sinek discussing the plight of millennials. He attributes the problems this generation is facing to parenting, technology, impatience, and environment. Check out the short […]