You may recall from seasons past our old gift-giving mantra, “something they want; something they need; something to wear; something to read.” We’ve compiled a couple of Christmas gift books for kids of all ages. As recommended by our collection of nieces and nephews themselves! Be sure to add one to your cart and promote some reading during the holiday break.

Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight
For younger kids, we suggest giving them a few gifts before Christmas that they can open and enjoy through in anticipation of the big day. The best Christmas gift books are ones that as re fun to read together before bedtime. Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight is just as enjoyable for the reader as the little listeners! Santa considers a myriad of animals to pull his sleigh, but each one has a drawback. This silly and fun book is a family favorite.

The Spirit of Christmas
Our next kid favorite is The Spirit of Christmas. Some of the most beautiful messages are remembered with Christmas gift books that focus on what makes the holiday special. In addition, the book is beautifully illustrated and captures the magic on Christmas.

The Hunger Games Trilogy
If you’re shopping for a teenager, The Hunger Games Trilogy will not disappoint! Finding a series of Christmas gift books that teens will read and re-read is like gold in today’s tech-crazed life. The story is so engaging that it stays in your head long after you put it down. Teens learn lessons in survival and service to others.

The Maze Runner
Another sure-fire hit for teens is The Maze Runner, an edge-of-your-seat gripping thriller. With the long holiday break, a few good Christmas gift books will help keep your teen occupied and entertained. Maze Runner is an especially good book to have while traveling. Your teen will have a hard time putting it down!

How to Win Friends + Influence People
Okay, we’re counting those big kids too. College-aged kids still love Christmas gift books that promote healthy personal growth. How to Win Friends and Influence People gives young adults sage advice that they will carry into the future. Building communication and networking skills interests and benefits just about everyone!

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Our final book, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, has been dubbed, “pretty fun and good to get sucked into” by our most avid reader. Short, enjoyable Christmas gift books that give young adults a little mental escape is the best medicine! Most college kids just finished finals and need a mental breather that this story provides.

Christmas Gift Books
When it comes to vacation time, nothing quite beats a good read. Be sure to add Christmas gift books to your kids’ gift lists and you both will be satisfied. Keeping kids reading and enjoying books is essential. Make them take electronic breaks and watch the whole household settle into a deeper feeling of peace and joy.
Some of these recommendations surprised me. Good (Great) choices Gina. dad