Do the members of your household uplift you? Or bring you down? How do you feel about your ancestry and heritage? Focusing on the Family center of your home can help you appreciate the positive qualities of your relatives. Use Feng Shui to facilitate harmonious relationships and encourage feelings of respect and love. Your tribe can have a huge impact on your emotional health and well-being. Take special care to this area of your home.

Thunder Only Happens When it’s Raining
Located in the middle left segment of the bagua, the element for this center is thunder. There are many voices and opinions within any family and it’s common that they can converge to create sonic booms if allowed! Creating boundaries and communication is essential to having healthy family interactions. Keep living things and tree elements such as wood in this area to keep your focus on family harmony. Be sure to read our article on the bagua if you need help locating this area. Also, check out the Feng Shui overview article for a quick guide on the best plants for your home.

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Display Family Heritage Proudly
The prominent color for the Family center is green with blue as an accent color. Tall wood furniture or antiques from relatives would be a great addition to this center. Happy photos of ancestors or current relatives promote and energize relationships. Other enhancements include:
- Tall, healthy plants
- Wood bowls, boxes, frames, or sculptures
- Pictures of trees or gardens
- Heirlooms, china, etc.

Control Your Home Environment
If you have anything in this area that makes you think poorly of an ancestor or relative, remove it immediately! You are in control of your environment! Never keep or display items that bring you negative thoughts or feelings. Make sure there are no dead plants, dried flowers, preserved butterflies, etc. Your house shouldn’t be a storage for dead things.

Nurture Your Loved Ones
Nurturing your Family center encourages you to be more forgiving and less offended. Manage how you handle offhanded remarks, jealousy, or conflicts. Try not to take things so personally and work to be more resilient. Also, work to attract nourishing people into your life. A support system is crucial to your mental and emotional health. Think of how trees survive in a storm when you are nourishing this space. Healthy root systems and proper pruning have better chances of survival.

That’s Not Constructive Criticism
It is easy to get saturated with the people we see on a day-to-day basis. Remember to take little breaks from your family and get the air and space everyone needs from time to time. Keep a blind eye to your family member’s faults and focus on improving your own shortcomings instead. You’ll be less frustrated and will feel more in control of the process. Blood truly is thicker than water, so any effort you make to strengthen ties will be well worth it. Time to invest in a healthy tree to serve as a little reminder!
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