Do you wake up excited to start your work day? Do you have a hidden aspiration that you have tucked away for later? Are you embarking on a side job to bring in a little extra cash? Are you hoping for a promotion or greater harmony in your work environment? Encourage opportunities in your life by energizing the career center of your home. Using a little Feng Shui gets your mental state going in the right direction. You’ll be surprised at the effect is has on your job, too!

Movement of Energy
Located in the front center area of your home, the element for Career is water. Just like water ebbs and flows, the journey you travel in your life has similar tendencies. Creating a movement of energy in the Career section is important if you don’t want to experience stagnancy. The goal is to tap into your intuition to keep you moving towards your ultimate vision.

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Career Colors
The prominent colors for this section should be black and dark blue. If you have a water fountain or photos of clam, moving water (ocean, stream, etc.), place them in this area. Add seashells or any decor item you have that makes you think of water. Remember to emphasize flow, and use any of the additional enhancements:
- Healthy plants that enjoy more water (bamboo is a good example)
- Lamps or lighting (no candles! Fire is not a good element for this area)
- A mirror behind lamps or plants to double energy
- Symbols of your career or hobbies

A Water Fountain Cures All Wounds
Fire in this center is a no-no. If you have a fireplace in the Career area, place a water fountain on the mantle and keep it running 24 hours a day. Motivational hanging décor would also work well here. There are many cute ways to display a power word such as “Passion” or “Confidence”. Find an inspirational quote or piece of art that depicts your goals and aspirations.

Plan Your Work + Work Your Plan
Feeling inspired to pursue or continue on any career path is essential to success. Lean on your strengths and take advantage of opportunities when they come your way. Take some time to think about what you want to accomplish in life. It can be straightforward or abstract; find items in your home that will trigger your thoughts in this direction and keep yourself open to the possibilities!
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I simply love your Feng Shui articles.
Love from Brazil!
Thank you Christiane! Love back at ya from California.