Now that life is getting a little hotter (and more humid), it’s time to start considering alternative hair styles. Put the blow dryer and flat iron away and trade them in for summer braids. We found some favorite versions that range from princess to punk rock. Add a side braid to a messy bun, or let the strands fall loosely down your back. This Bohemian look is here to help you out!

Em- Braids Your Inner Goddess
(Yep, we went there.) One of our favorite braid styles involves a simple braid, long hair, and a few bobby pins. Our favorite beret, lieutenant hat and sailor cap season is over! Top your head instead with a crown braid tutorial from Twist Me Pretty. You will love how easy elevated Dutch lace braids are (which really show off the texture of your hair). Remember to pull a few strand out for that wind-swept, just-finished-horseback-riding look.

Faux Hawk
Our next look is perfect for festivals and weekend parties. Take a few sections of hair and make braids in multiple thicknesses to create a side-swept faux hawk. Triple points if you weave in strands of hemp string or colored yarn. If you are new to French braiding, check out Real Simple’s easy video tutorial. Let the ends go free and don’t worry about getting the braids perfect. Messy is in!

80’s Fishtail
Originally called a “Grecian Braid” this braiding technique uses two strands of hair instead of three. Now dubbed “fishtail braids”, this hair style became popular again in the 80’s. Check out WikiHow’s easy vid-torial on fish braiding. After a little practice, you can double the pleasure with braids that start on both side and join in the middle. This can also be done with french braids to get a fishtail-type look. Love it!

Mermaid Hair
Ever wish you could trade in your tail for a pair of legs and meet a handsome prince? Mermaid braids are easy and fuss-free; perfect for any special occasion! Simply pull the hair at the crown of your head into a temporary ponytail and braid loosely down the back. Twist side sections and pull them through each braid. Pinch and pull to keep it a little messy. Beautiful! Get the step-by-step tutorial from The Effortless Chic here.

Hang Loose
Sometimes it’s just nice to keep your hair out of your face. For girls staying in, loose French braids are the perfect way to keep hair off of your face without having it pulled tight. Putting stress and tension on your hair is no bueno. It can lead to hair loss or at least the thinning of hair. Take it easy!

Embellish Your Messy Bun
If you liked the faux hawk look, the messy bun can be a variation of the look with a little something #extra. Adding ribbons or hair jewelry are a super fun way to upgrade your braids! First, pull your hair up into a bun and leave a side section free. Briad that section into a French or fishtail braid and secure at the end. Add click-on charms for an edgy-glam finish. We like Urban Outfitter’s Silver Engraved Hair Charms that click open and attach to braid sections easy. Totally Bohemian and versatile, you can customize your hair style a thousand different ways!

Protect Your Hair
These hairstyles have additional beauty benefits. Loosely braiding thinning hair before bed helps to protect it, as well as taking vitamins and minerals. Braids protect your locks from breakage due to dryness or friction. If you’re heading to the beach or pool, add a little leave-in conditioner before you braid and let it dry naturally. You’ll come home with loose waves and healthy strands!
Or try a retro look… In the 1700’s, sailors used to braid their hair and dip the braid in tar. That’s why their uniforms have the flap on the collar, to keep the tar from rubbing off on the backs of their shirts.
Who knew? That’s an interesting piece of trivia. Those long haired sailors..