Summertime is the quintessential “skin-is-in” season! A few years back, a girlfriend and I had a simple rule-of-thumb for getting dressed to go out: “when in doubt, wear less clothes”. Keeping that mantra in mind, we caught up with boss babe Chanté Gernertt, founder of skin care line Roses N Rosé. Learn how she is finding success by creating natural, organic products that will make your skin glow all year round. Girlfriend tested and approved!

Chanté Gernertt
We first discovered Roses N Rosé when we were learning about the skin benefits of caffeine. We had heard that the Rosie Cheeks scrub reduced the appearance of cellulite. Now this we had to try. Imagine our surprise when we found smoother skin after one scrub session! The rest is history. We have been watching her business take off as her products are discovered by The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, The Skinny Confidential, and more. We caught up with her this month and asked her a few questions about what’s in the queue for Roses N Rosé.

SD Locals Unite
GF: I remember you telling me that you were fairly new to our San Diego hood. What brings you to our paradise on earth?
Chanté Gernertt: Yeah! So at the time I moved down here, I was actually transferred down for work. My boyfriend already lived here, so it happened to work out!
GF: What a stroke of luck! What has been your favorite thing about San Diego so far?
Chanté Gernertt: THE FOOD. Isn’t that the best part about any place? (haha) But seriously, San Diego has so many good places to eat.
GF: You got that right! We’ve already done articles on La Jolla and Little Italy. San Diego is a foodie’s paradise!

GF: So, you remember we first discovered the Rosie Cheeks Scrub when we were exploring the skin benefits of caffeine. We loved it! Who knew coffee scrubs could reduce the appearance of cellulite? This is every girl’s BFF. How did you first decide to start making/selling your own scrubs?
Chanté Gernertt: I first decided way back in high school, actually. I was looking for a body scrub that was natural, organic, had beneficial ingredients for specific things I wanted. When I couldn’t find what I was looking for I decided to make my own. It wasn’t until last year I randomly decided to sell it and launched two weeks later!
GF: We’re so glad you did! We were just saying how soft and silky the Rosie Cheeks scrub left our skin. You don’t even need lotion after. What types of special ingredients are you using to make your scrub so dang luxurious?
Chanté Gernertt: Oils! Oils are so beneficial to your skin for hydration and moisturizing. Not only that, but coffee actually has the same PH balance as your skin, so it doesn’t leave your skin tight and dry feeling.

Gimme Some Sugar, Baby
Girlfriend: Aside from banishing cellulite, you have a couple of other products in your skin care line. What does the Sunshine Sugar Body Scrub do?
Chanté Gernertt: Yes!! So the sunshine scrub is really good for exfoliating. It has a coconut sugar base, mixed with an abrasive raw sugar. The coconut sugar basically melts on your skin, but it’s also abrasive enough to scrub off all of the dead, dry skin that leaves your skin dull and rough. It is the perfect scrub to use before a spray tan!

Our Rosewater Obsession Continues
GF: How about the Rosewater Face Mist? Does this work like a toner? And more importantly, does it make you smell like roses?
Chanté Gernertt: This is our most popular item! So, the rosewater is amazing for inflammation; it’s hydrating and leaves your skin feeling really fresh and dewy. It’s most commonly used as a setting spray by makeup artists (and yes, it smells like roses 😉

Girl Bossing
GF: Now that you’re getting acclimated to San Diego, what partnerships have you formed locally? Are there any local shops you can recommend or shout outs you’d like to give?
Chanté Gernertt: Yeah it’s been fun here so far, I have made so many relationships with local shops and small businesses. I LOVE the girls at Spa Kingston and one of my favorite shops is Pigment in North Park.
GF: Oh ya! Pigment is such a cute store! I always stop in when I’m in North Park during the day. What about local events? Anything coming up we should know about? What’s on your social or business radar?
Chanté Gernertt: Ummm.. heck yeah! I am hosting my own events for my brand to get to know my community more! So in March I just celebrated my one year which was awesome. I’m always hosting sales and beauty events through my Instagram @roses_n_rose, so those are the best ways to try out product and get to know other beauty babes!

KIT – Keep in Touch
GF: Ya, DO IT. Thanks so much for working with us! It’s been so fun to follow you on social media and see the success Roses N Rosé has been having in such short time. What are your plans for the near future? Do you have any additional products cooking?
Chanté Gernertt: It’s been fun! Honestly I am not too sure. All I know right now is that I am for sure going to keep doing events to meet the roses community. I may expand the events into Orange County area (since that’s where I am from). As far as new products… I guess you will just have to stay tuned!!
GF: Oh, you bet we will! Thanks so much for being amazing and we wish you continued success. xoxox
Learn more and purchase products on the Roses N Rosé website, or follow Chanté on social media: Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Digging the feature on a female entrepreneur! Women should be very supportive of each other. Keep doing what you’re doing!
Thank you! And agree on supporting women in business. Us girlfriends got 2 stick 2gether! ?