Body language is all about picking up cues to learn about a person or how they are feeling. Personalizing this season’s gold signet rings are just as telling as the finger they are worn on. Each finger represents a mood […]
Body language is all about picking up cues to learn about a person or how they are feeling. Personalizing this season’s gold signet rings are just as telling as the finger they are worn on. Each finger represents a mood […]
Summertime is the quintessential “skin-is-in” season! A few years back, a girlfriend and I had a simple rule-of-thumb for getting dressed to go out: “when in doubt, wear less clothes”. Keeping that mantra in mind, we caught up with boss […]
Hey baby, what’s your sign? We’re enthralled with the hidden art of astrology and how the stars align with personalities. Just for fun, we’ve put together a reference guide for adding decor that is personal to each sun sign. Since […]
Have you jumped on our Spring cleaning bandwagon yet? The new year is on it’s way with first quarter initiatives coming to a close. Now things are going to start ramping up, and March and April are the perfect months […]
Preparing for the ups and downs of life means more than just learning how to manage your money. Educating yourself in small ways to learn to use your resources wisely not only helps our planet, it frees up your finances […]
David Byrne (whom I ADORE) recently announced that he has written a new musical based on the story of Joan of Arc (“Saint Joan”). When I heard the news, I was immediately filled with a combination of mass excitement and […]