As winter fall upon us and light starts drifting in softly through windows we need to think about dialing back our plant life. In addition to streamlining decor, using plant minimalism in our homes encourages healthier air and simple living. […]
As winter fall upon us and light starts drifting in softly through windows we need to think about dialing back our plant life. In addition to streamlining decor, using plant minimalism in our homes encourages healthier air and simple living. […]
You don’t have to be an avid reader to have a loving collection of books. Bookshelves will remain one of our favorite home decor furnishings—even in this digital age. They add tons of character to any space and every homeowner […]
We just celebrated Taurus this month and in the same week, compiled some easy cleaning lists for your home. Coincidence? I think not. Feng Shui is the study of energy and focuses on five major elements: earth, metal, water, wood, […]
Hey baby, what’s your sign? We’re enthralled with the hidden art of astrology and how the stars align with personalities. Just for fun, we’ve put together a reference guide for adding decor that is personal to each sun sign. Since […]
Time to take inventory of your serving stash before the holidays kick into gear. Now might be the prefect time to add a ceramic vase or set of parfait glasses to the mix. Of course, we love vintage and collectible […]
No more skeletons in the closet! Time to clean out the cupboards and add a little open shelving to your life. You might be surprised at how pretty your things are when exposed in organized fashion. We have a whole […]