Okay kids, for those of you who have been riding my hip-hop train, here’s another twist: magazine cover art. A new take on fashion + graffiti. This goes light years beyond a model posing in front of a graffiti wall (yawn). These girlies are graffiti artists in their own right and have so much talent! Here are my top favorites – see what you think!

Ana Strumpf
Customizing magazine covers such as W, Interview, Dazed & Confused, Esquire, Vogue and ID, Ana Strumpf is my #1 pick. Based in São Paulo, the illustrator uses only Sharpies (hence my joy) and DecoColor pens to create her magazine cover art. She is also a product designer and interior designer, but is most known for her magazine illustrations. I love her colors and shapes!

Magazine Cover Art is Gallery-Worthy
‘Re.Cover’ started with Ana doodling on covers during Skype meetings. You know how friends see so much more in us than we see in ourselves? Her friends had her exhibit them in an art gallery and they were a smashing hit! Follow her on Instagram to keep track of her latest magazine cover art creations.

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Hattie Stewart
If you want to get a little more punk rock, check out magazine cover art by Hattie Stewart. She is more known for ‘doodle-bombing’, where she adds bright-eyed cartoons and a sense of satire. She also is an artist at heart, and works in photography and fashion.

Illustrators For Hire
Magazine Cover Art has been catching on in the fashion industry. Now brands and labels are hiring these girls to spiff up their stuff on the outset! Hattie has done work for Mac Cosmetics, Marc by Marc Jacobs, House of Holland and more. If you’d love to own a piece of her work, stop by No Walls Gallery and select an original or print.

Yayoi Kusama
A Japanese artist and writer, Yayoi Kusama has worked in a wide variety of media. She is a painter, collage maker, sculptor, performance artist, and writer. The list actually goes on, but that’s a few of her creative endeavors. She is also known to have influenced other artists such as Andy Warhol and Claes Oldenburg. Sweet artist resume, what?!

I’m Seeing Spots
So I’m kind of cheating on this one, because not all of the work displayed is cover art, per se. She is more of an installation artist. You will see her art photographed for magazines. She is such a huge influence on the art form, I had to include her work. Find an installation near you and be prepared to have your mind boggled!

Martin Sharp
As you can see, the newer artists are kind of picking up where this generation left off. Since we love vintage, it’s always cool to give props to the past. Check out OZ magazine for magazine cover art at it’s roots. The artists originally intended it to be a satirical humor magazine. Founders and major artists included Richard Neville, Richard Walsh and Martin Sharp.

Under the Influence
The magazine covered issues such as censorship, homosexuality, police brutality, and involvement in the Vietnam War. Due to obscenity charges, OZ published it’s last issue in November 1973 massively in debt. If you can find an issue (especially British), they are highly collectible. They can range up to “several hundred pounds” each.

As Always, Do Your Own!
If you love the artwork, and have a talent for doodling – grab a magazine and go to town! Magazine cover art if fun and fresh and looks great framed. Hang one in a place where you need a reminder to not take yourself so seriously.