One of the best things you can add to your beach bag this year is a hefty little book. Classic novels are perfect for Summer reading. Choose one that is enjoyable, but one that is still easy to put down! Grab one of our favorites in paperback and let the pages get dog-eared and sandy. Reading is the perfect escape while working hard on that tan (with SPF of course).

Classic Novels for Any Reading Level
Don’t shy away from the size of a book. Most of these favorites you can get through by reading a page or two at a time here and there. Stick it in your purse for those times you find yourself waiting and in need of a healthy distraction. Also, when you’re on vacation, classic novels are handy because it’s easy to get restless sunbathing. It’s also easy to keep an eye on kids with a novel that you can enjoy while still looking up here and there.

The Woman in White
Our first suggestion is a little known Victorian gem written by Wilkie Collins in 1859. It is considered to be one of the finest “sensation novels” ever written. Sensational! The Woman in White is compiled as a series of narrations by key players slowly unfolding the plot. It’s such an interesting approach to telling a story! As the story unwinds, two sisters find themselves at the mercy of the law as they become prey to individuals who would benefit from their family fortunes. People will do crazy things to get their hands on an inheritance. One of the most fun classic novels around.

Don Quixote
If you’re in the need of some laughter in your life, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra is the guy for you. As far as classic novels go, Don Quixote is one of the most influential Spanish works in the world. Basically, the hero reads so many romances seeped in chivalry that he finally goes insane. He decides to revive chivalry and bring justice to the world! Living his experiences through his imagination instead of through reality is a state of mind we can all relate to! In fact, the definition of an impractical romantic is “quixotic”. Define “trashy romance novel”! You will be surprised at how enjoyable this one is to read.

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A Tale of Two Cities
Speaking of romance novels, one of the best romances in town is of course set in London and Paris. Written by Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities is set during the French Revolution. It’s an exciting and heart-wrenching story about the saddest love triangle around. Follow all three characters as they are inevitably drawn into the politics of their time. Stick around for the end, because you will be crying your eyes out!

Sticks to Your Ribs
One of the best things about classic novels is their ability to stick with you. Don’t feel rushed to finish the book, savor each paragraph and chapter as you go. In fact, invest in a whimsical bookmark like a handmade one from CarrotTopPaperShop via Etsy. That makes the book feel even more special and somehow encourages you to take breathers. If you’ve got any suggestions for great reads, add it to our comments section below!