Last-minute gifts? There’s still time to be thoughtful! If you know the recipient’s love language, you can come up with the perfect gift easy. To learn more, or to find out your love language, buy the book, The 5 Love Languages, or go to their site and take the free quiz! Have your friends and family take it and get some insight on how they show and receive love.

What is a Love Language?
It’s important to understand how you connect to others. Everyone has a primary love language that they speak. Recognizing this language allows you to communicate better. There are 5 basic ways that people give and receive love:
- Words of Affirmation
- Acts of Service
- Receiving Gifts
- Quality Time
- Physical Touch
Of course, everyone enjoys all of these, but there is generally one or two that a person really responds to. Use the quiz at the beginning of the article to find your own love language. Once you understand the processes, it becomes easy to determine someone else’s. Knowing people’s primary love languages makes it much easier to show them you care in a way that they actually percieve it.

Giving Thoughtful Gifts 101
My sister recently came across an idea of how to keep holiday shopping simple. Buy each person: something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read. Once you know a person’s Love Language, it makes shopping for them a little easier and kind of fun! The extra understanding gives any item on that list a little more direction. Take a look at these examples below.

Words of Affirmation
Say it like you mean it! If a person’s Love Language is Words of Affirmation, then a sincere compliment goes a long way. Little notes or lipstick on the mirror hits straight to the heart for these verbal love bugs. Graphic tees are an easy and creative way to send the right message. Find a tee that says something positive or makes a statement. Take a look at our article on how to pair graphic tees in fun and funky ways.

Acts of Service
Save your money and do something special instead! Acts of Service Love Language people appreciate labors of love (handcrafted items) or small acts of service. If you’re on a budget, a coupon book would go a long way. Make their favorite meal, or serve them breakfast in bed. It can be as easy as making a quick cup of hot cocoa using the recipe from our Hygge Decor for the Holidays article. Kind gestures go a long way with these folks.

Receiving Gifts
You would think a gifts person would be the easiest to shop for, but oh no, they are NOT. Whatever you choose doesn’t have to be costly, but the quality and the thought should definitely be there. For a Love Language of Gifts, think of items that they truly need or can use and then splurge a little on them. Gifts people also tend to enjoy “experience gifts”. These include cooking classes, hot air ballooning, or concert tickets. Throw in a silk neck scarf that they can wear at the event! Gift cards are just as appreciated as long as it’s from a store they love. (Helpful tip from me to you, make sure your wrapping is on point as well.)

Quality Time
Someone needing your undivided attention? If their Love Language is Quality Time, they probably prefer 30 minutes of knowing you are truly present in the moment over any amount of time where you are distracted. Take them out to dinner, or schedule a weekend vacation. Check out our winter articles on Salt Lake City, Utah and Portland, Oregon for foodie-approved eating spots and travel guides! Make sure you are fully present and your cell phone is turned off!

Physical Touch
Hands on! Physical Touch Love Language people love hugs, kissing, and cuddling. Be sure to find items that are soft and touchable. Cashmere, soft cotton, or silk are great fabrics to focus on. Skin care products are also an easy idea. Any girl can benefit from a Vitamin C serum, some nighttime Retinol, or a Collagen supplement. Gift certificates for massage or a nail spa are also a delightful treat. Throw in a pair of fuzzy socks and you’re set!

Focus on the Giver
It’s easy to get caught up in holiday shopping and focus only on what you are needing to get for your loved ones. If you know a person’s Love Language, it makes it a little easier to see the thoughtfulness of their gifts, too. Remember, most people tend to give what they appreciate themselves. (ie. When your loved one is wanting to go out to dinner or to see the lights, they are probably a Quality Time person.) Your friends and family are trying to show you they love you, too! Make sure you notice and appreciate the gestures of others during this busy time. It will make the rest of your month that much more enjoyable!
James, Your article on “Love Language Gift Ideas” was so meaningful to me. Thank you so much! You’ve inspired me at a time in my life that I so needed it. Thank you again…