Everyone wants to ring in the New Year looking their best but that doesnt have to be expensive. A few choice New Year outfit staples can make your outfit dazzle easy. After all, this is should be the party that is all about “more bang for your buck”!

New Year Outfit Basics
Our first suggestion is to keep it simple. Focus on one or two details for your New Year outfit and forget the rest. If you’re spending money on the perfect dress, pair it with holiday shoes you already own. Or vice versa! A dress with extra details like ruffles or beading doesn’t require an accessory overhaul.

Accessory Overhaul
Speaking of accessories, the reverse is also true. If you’re not interested in purchasing a New Year outfit, consider loading up on accessories instead. Big statement earrings or a slew of shiny barrettes might be all you need to glisten and gleam. (You can rock this look with a more toned down sequin dress if you’re careful.) Sexy bedhead never looked sexier!

All That Glitters
Pretty much anything sparkly works. Sequins are the best ingredient for a New Year outfit recipe. Use your budget as a guide and add one sequined item (like a blazer or bootie) for instant party-readiness. Keep it to one! If you’re doing a sequined maxi dress, adding a sequin clutch might be a little overkill. Also, it’s still the holiday season, so feel free to add in red or green (however you want) to make the outfit work.

Statement Jewelry
If your outfit is low-key, you can certainly get away with big accessories. A statement ring or a cluster of bracelets might be all your New Year outfit needs. Costume jewelry and giant resin rings are most welcome at this time of year. Raid granny’s jewelry box or find a treasure at your local vintage shop. We love Etsy finds for big sequin clutches and vintage purses.

Jump into a Jumpsuit
Another easy way to add holiday sparkle is with a one-piece. A jumpsuit in silver or gold is just about the most comfortable New Year outfit in existence. Aside from the sheer comfort factor, all a sparkly jumpsuit requires is a pair of basic strappy heels. And who doesn’t have those already hanging out in their closet?

Pretty as a Princess
This night only happens once a year. Every girl is invited to stand out in their New Year outfit and feel like a total princess. Pretty up an easy ponytail with a tiara-like headband and freshen up your pout with a tube of your favorite holiday red lipstick. When you feel your best, you tend to be more confident and outgoing. A relaxed party-goer is the best kind!

Small Doses of Big
The bottom line: go big in one area and then tone the rest down. If your New Year outfit is big on color, let that be the one item that shines. You don’t want multiple items competing for attention. As always, the brightest, shiniest item should always be your happy smiling face, so no need to overdo the spending!