“Feed me Seymour!” The latest, greatest, should we even say, “hipster-approved” plant Monstera Deliciosa is filling up empty corners in carefully curated homes across America. Somewhat sexy and extremely confident, its broad leaves and easy care routine make it a welcome house guest. We love to say it’s botanical name with flair. It kind of sounds like a Harry Potter spell. “Monstera Deliciosa!” And that empty corner is filled with a swish of your wand.

Monstera Deliciosa is a Climber
First things first. This plant definitely falls on our Feng Shui house-friendly plants list. It’s broad, rounded leaves and upward-growing behavior encourages healthy chi in your home. Also, it’s important to know how to work with the aerial roots of a Monstera Deliciosa plant. Tuck them back into the pot and let the plant continue to grow outward, or add a trellis and let them grow upward. Use a free-standing trellis, or a plant support and encourage the roots to climb.

How to Water
Since this plant is tropical, it also enjoys a good misting. Bathrooms are the perfect place for them to thrive. (Steam from showers fulfills the misting need without any extra work on your part.) The broad-leafed Monstera Delicosa plant needs watering when the top third of the soil feels dry to the touch. We use a soil tester like this 3-in-1 meter to best determine when plants need watering. Takes the guesswork out of the equation! Take care of it’s broad leaves by gently wiping the dust off of them every couple of months or so. A little plant care goes a long way!

Tropical Decor Essentials
Use tropical plants and natural woods to create a total stay-cation environment. Bamboo accents work extremely well next to a Monstera Deliciosa plant. We are always scouring Charish for vintage bamboo chairs. Use them in the dining room, or place a plant next to an armchair to create a cozy sitting corner. For younger plants, a plant stand like one of these Zengai Display Stands from Amazon works great. It gives it some extra height until it is filling that space on it’s own.

Black Thumb?
Plant care is not for everyone. Busy schedules sometimes make for sad plant environments. There are always alternatives for getting the look, without replacing dead plants every month. If you have serious art skills, consider painting a Monstera Deliciosa wall mural that is as grand as the plant is itself! Non-art girls can always turn to Kate Zaremba for amazing removable wallpaper options. Be sure to check out our guide for using big prints in small spaces for more inspiration!

Bohemian Vibes
Fill a sunny nook with floor plants in staggered heights and foliage widths. When you’ve got a collection of plants, you don’t need to add much else to your decor. Big houseplants, like the Monstera Deliciosa, work well in easy Bohemain spaces. Use macrame wall hangings as part of the space to create a calming vignette in a bedroom. Plants work double-duty, providing oxygen and recycling air. Perfect meditation buddies!

Warm Up Modern Spaces
Plants also do a nice job warming up mid-century modern decor. Monstera Deliciosa plants enjoy the indoors and bright, indirect sunlight. Make sure they have ample drainage and re-pot them every two years. Be sure to increase the pot size by about 2 inches deeper and wider than it’s last one. For mid-century modern lovers, World Market carries a variety of ceramic planters with stands that will work with your space. Remember to check out our article on the earth element and how ceramic helps give a space extra stability.

Monstera Varieties
You’re not stuck with just one look! Monstera Deliciosa is known by many names and has several different leaf types. It’s also known as the Swiss cheese plant, hurricane plant, or Mexican breadfruit. You can find them in solid green or speckled white (which is more rare). Once they take to your home, they grow pretty quickly, so have fun nurturing one or two this month!
Gives me flashbacks of Vietnam… but good ones. ?
I have a Swiss Cheese plant in a North-facing window and it loves it!