Now that Santa has done his thing, time to stoke the fire back up! This has certainly been a cold winter season so far (speaking on behalf of all freezing Southern Californians). As the stockings start to come down, your fireplace can still pretty up. Keep things cozy the rest of the season.

Quick Feng Shui Tips
Fire is an important Feng Shui element. Consider where your fireplace is located in the bagua. Think of the fire creating sparks that can cause instability in the health, relationships (coming soon!), career (coming soon!), or prosperity centers. Counterbalance this energy by placing a water element on or nearby the mantle. For other areas, the fireplace is an area that generates warmth and inner connections. Enhance your fireplace with a few of the quick tips below.

Add Essential Oils
Use your fireplace to scent your home by sprinkling a few drops of essential oil on a log before you burn it. Wood-scented oils such as sandalwood, rosemary, rosewood, or cinnamon work especially well. If you’d like to keep the scent lighter, try citrus oils such as orange and lemon, or a warm floral such as rose. Your house will smell like heaven every time you walk in the door.

Use Plants In Lieu of Fire
Use houseplants to calm the fire energy in those key centers mentioned above. Adding some large, healthy plants enhances the benefits of a fireplace and mellows the spark/ flame aspect. This harmonizes the fire energy and is a sneaky way to add that water element as well. Many homes still have the fireplace frame, but don’t use them for fire, so this is a great alternative.

Hang Art or a Mirror
The biggest no-brainer for any standard fireplace with a mantel is to hang large artwork or a mirror. A mirror is especially useful as it multiplies whatever it reflects. If you can fit a plant or two in front of the mirror than you are possibly out to conquer the world. I think large, ornate mirrors are especially beautiful on a mantel.

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Other Helpful Decor
The mantel is probably the easiest for anyone to decorate, so go to town! Display candles, fresh flowers, and colorful collectibles as the fireplace is supposed to spark conversation. One warning however, do not display photos of family and friends. Fire energy is too hot for relationships as I discussed above.

Fireplace Mantel Alternatives
If you don’t have a built-in fireplace, there are still some fun options for you. Callivus Design has a chimney-free indoor stove with a brass reflector that is gorgeous! Find a smoke-free, soot-free alternative and a mid-mod look and you’re set. I love the Jetson’s vibe they gave the casing and the reflection off the brass is so cool.

Incorporate the Outdoors
To further enhance any section of the bagua, try and create an outdoor space. The more you use the space or view the space outside, the better. There are plenty of cool fireplaces and fire pits that are perfect for gathering around. This makes the most of your living space and adds some fun to any gathering!

Keep Your Firewood Neat
Above all, Feng Shui is anti-clutter. Firewood adds rustic charm to any area as long as it is stacked neatly or in a holder. I do like wrought-iron by a fireplace, because it adds a nice metal element. Just like water calms the flames, metal shows a sense of durability. You show that fire who’s boss! Alternatively, you can keep wood collected in a separate space that maybe needs a wood element. Keep a nice balance in your home by being thoughtful of elements. You can be creative with how you interpret elements as well, such as using the color blue to represent water.

Best Focal Point
Since a fireplace provides a focal point for people to gather around, give it special care. It can even serve as a companion for anyone who likes to read, write, or sew. Schedule some time with your family or friends to enjoy each other’s company around a warm fire. I have a close friend who recently gathered her family for a short talent night. What fun! The idea is to keep warm and to give warmth as well. Filling your house with laughter and good feelings has an effect that lingers. And that, my dears, is good Feng Shui.
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I am really enjoying your Feng Shui series! These are great ideas. I’m going to have to clean up my fireplace!