Feeling a little butch these days? Ruffles are so naturally ladylike, they almost don’t know what to do with themselves. We’ve been ooh-ing and aah-ing on the feminine details of dainty dresses. Go-big-or-go-home styles have us packing our bags for romantic destinations (or maybe just the local coffee shop). You may never hear from us again! Take a look at these fun styles and add one to your Spring and Summer wardrobe.

Ruffles Are Perfect For Flirting
Every girl should be in constant contact with her mischievous side. Even more so with St. Patty’s day among us this week! Find a simple wrap dress and add a few ruffles to dance around you. They are so flattering and give the fabric the ability to swoop and drape around your figure. Perfect for adding a little bounce to smaller figures.

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Dapper With Denim
Be sure to check out our recent article on denim styles also going big this season. Overalls have won our pretty little hearts! Emasculate farm attire by adding a sheer top with ruffles around the sleeves or collar. Now you’re making the overalls work for you, not against you.

Thanks, Gucci
You can pretty much thank Alessandro Michele (@lallo25) for all of his hard work in the Gucci arena. Ruffles are all over Gucci styles and the label has single-handedly brought the ankle sock back in action. Ankle socks work for girls of all ages and can be layered with tights of any sort. Remember our socks and sandals article from last year? Magnifique!

Go For Gingham
Another one of our favorite country-girl looks involves a very fine checkerboard print. A gingham blouse with big ruffles and off-the-shoulder styles are like an obsession. The little black and white checks look great with a black pair of skinny jeans. Check out our article on high-rise denim and get inspired to take your waistline up a notch! Adding a blouse with big flair perfectly balances an otherwise streamlined look.

Layer Ruffles on Sheer Fabric
We fully support the sheer skirt styles and bums on display this season. If you’re a little more on the shy (or modest!) side, sport your sheerness with layers of ruffles instead. Most times, it’s better to leave a little something to the imagination. A romantic dress and a punk rock attitude gives the same effect with less on display. Our favorite styles involve mixing and matching ruffled blouses and skirts to create an easy, breezy ensemble.

Sleeves are For Sissies
One of our favorite modern takes on the old standby chambray shirt involves a complete sleeve makeover. Instead of your traditional long sleeve, opt for a blouse that uses layers of ruffles instead. This look is so cute with a favorite pair of boyfriend jeans. Combine the easy stripes of the South with something a little more belle of the ball. Less stuffy and people will be mesmerized with your arms.

Sandy Liang
We love Sandy Liang’s ready-to-wear label and fully support her creative approach to fashion. Liang is the queen of ruffles, bows, and lace! Take a look at our favorite pieces from her online shop. Each one is a beauty!
Be Free
Shake off those winter blues and add something new to your wardrobe! Happiness is a mindset and ruffles help you to feel footloose and fancy-free. Whether you’re alone or with friends, you’re always allowed to do a little dancing in the street. Put a little extra into your look this week, whether it’s a brighter shade of lipstick or a fun pair of socks. You will naturally attract better things into your life when you start your day with the proper attitude. Promise!