Welcome back to a fresh installment of the five elements of Feng Shui. This month, we will look at the bright, bold and happy energy of the Feng Shui fire element. The fire element contains the energy of a bright sunny day, glad tidings, and gratifying achievements. This element brings the energy of strong sexual desire, passion, and romance wherever it goes. The fire element, just like its physical counterpart, can burn if handled recklessly. However, this burn is of an energy-draining kind. In today’s article, we will be exploring the use of the fire element while creating a happy home or a successful office.

Fire Element Power
Last month, we studied the wood element and how it works to encourage personal growth. The fire element is controlled by wood as it feeds into the fire and “adds fuel to the flame”. The fire element should be represented in the fame and reputation, love and marriage, personal growth and cultivation, and the heart/center areas of your home. Don’t forget about actual fire decor items, of course. This Columbia Wood-Burning Stove says it best, with its cast iron build and sleek design. This is sure to be the centerpiece to any home.

What Does Fire Mean to You?
Start thinking about what the fire element represents to you, and incorporate it into your home decor. The simplest way to add a fire element to any space is with colors such as red, purple, orange, strong yellow, magenta, and pink. Use your best judgment, and remember both balance and moderation are key. Make sure to add plenty of other elements, and use fire in moderation for a less overpowering source of energy.

Goals and Ambitions
Fire can also represent your goals and ambitions. Using furniture with warm colors is a terrific way to add a fire element to any location. A red or orange sofa or a brightly colored cushion might be all you need. Pampa carries warm, 100% wool cushions that will bring in a plush, seventies vibe to your home. To tie any room together, be sure to check out these Dreamer Couches.

Fire Materials
Another way to add fire’s warmth to your space is with art. You can buy a piece with passionate fire element colors, paint something expressive yourself. Another idea is to simply take a picture of a red colored object and frame it. Candles are also great for decorating, most of all these Boho Glass Candles. Nothing says fire element better than a candle.

How to Harmonize
In the cycle of the elements, fire is nourished by wood, which in turn nourishes earth. Create a harmonious space by combining the bright and warm pop of fire with wood and earth. This is where one can truly shine as an individual, putting their creativity to the test. Images and shapes work just as well as actual materials. Even just having a fireplace in your living room does a wonder in the representation of the fire element.

Decorating with Fire
When looking for materials, natural fabrics are the way to go. Use materials such as silk, velvet, or cotton in your furniture to provide fire element to your space. In addition, warm colors work well and deeper tones make your environment that much cozier.

Placement is Key
Make sure to look at a bagua map to identify the different centers of your home and see how too little or too much fire could be affecting them. If your creativity or drive is down, try adding some fire. On the other hand, if you’re feeling continually burnt out, add some water items like a glass vase to cool down that heat. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again; it’s all about how it makes you feel, so trust your gut when it comes to fire and pay attention to how you feel when adding or subtracting this element.
I really enjoyed this article. I never thought about using Feng Shii to decorate, but this makes sense. Time to buy some candles!
Who is that orange lounge chair couch by?!?!?!
I wish I knew! It is from a Pampa campaign. That orange corduroy is killer.