In the realm of home decor, finding unique and distinctive elements to enhance your living space is a constant pursuit. Add a touch of elegance and Old World charm to your home decor by using European cellar bottles. These bottles […]
In the realm of home decor, finding unique and distinctive elements to enhance your living space is a constant pursuit. Add a touch of elegance and Old World charm to your home decor by using European cellar bottles. These bottles […]
Now is usually the time we start looking around the house for places to organize. One of the best things you can add to your cart this month are kitchen utility hooks. They’re useful and versatile—take a look at some […]
We bet many of you are starting to get stir-crazy (and we know what that leads to). Think about displaying art creatively as you start to rearrange furniture. You can completely transform your environment without doing any shopping. Turn your […]
Nothing is more serene than a mountain stream, forest glade, or private beach. Evoke the peacefulness and calm of Mother Nature with landscape paintings. A sense of stability will overcome your home and you will be reassured, “this too, shall […]
You don’t have to be an avid reader to have a loving collection of books. Bookshelves will remain one of our favorite home decor furnishings—even in this digital age. They add tons of character to any space and every homeowner […]
You don’t have to be a regular AirBnb hostess to keep your home ready for guests. Use our hygge hostess tips to make visitors feel at home with minimal effort. The trick is to keep things cozy and simple. A […]
If you have a love for mysticism, you are probably familiar with tarot cards. Many decks contain tarot card art that can be just as personal as the reading. Artistic styles range from classic to contemporary and the devil is […]
Ahh, Paris. The city is full of art and history inside and out. If traveling to Europe is out of the question, bring a little Parisian art deco to you instead. The interior design trend has seen an upswing the […]
Who uses formal dining rooms and formal living rooms anymore? Of all the spaces we create in our living environment, a home office is probably one of the most useful. Whether you dedicate an entire room or carve out a […]
Sculptures and pottery have become increasingly popular fundamentals to Bohemian decor. Consider adding West German vases to your stash of collectibles. Their unique shapes and painterly qualities will quickly add to the sentimental value as well. West German Vases 411 […]
Is it Spring cleaning time yet? This month, tackle the most-used space in your home and get organized with proper kitchen shelving. Whether your home style is modern or rustic, there are a few standard ways to implement shelves and […]
Sometimes the smallest of accessories can make or break an outfit. Enamel pins let you add personality into any outfit. These pins come in a multitude of shapes and sizes. They are perfect for anyone who likes to keep things […]