Make the most of your stay-at-home time without going completely stir-crazy. We’ve compiled staycation activities and past article ideas to help you have fun at home. All of our ideas are easy to do on your own and are kid-friendly, too. Think about exploring new places without needing to go past your own backyard. #theresnoplacelikehome

Staycation Activities in the Kitchen
These days, meal prep is even easier and more fun. One of our favorite staycation activities is to find new recipes and try them out. Try a no-bake recipe if you’re experiencing a bit of a heat wave. Our favorite No-Bake Chocolate Cookies or these No-Bake Granola Bars (shown above) are packed with protein. They are perfect to pack on a walk or hike as well. Just tie your hair up in an easy bandana, throw on trendy bike shorts, your favorite tennis shoes, and go!

Try Your Hand at Art
Start your day in nature and grab a sprig or two from your walk for a little Hygge-inspired arrangement. Think past the vase and use one of our easy dried flower DIY ideas when the bouquet is past its peak. We have plenty of staycation activities for anyone looking to tap into their artistic side. Explore watercoloring, macrame, or kokedama and pin up your creation when you are finished. Use nature as a source of inspiration.

We Mentioned Backyards..
For lunch, have a stay-at-home picnic and pack a lunch the French would approve of. The best staycation activities stem from your imagination and offer the most convenient location on the map! We’ve compiled our favorite authors and books for your reading pleasure. If you like poetry, John Steinbeck, classic novels, or quick reads, we’ve got you covered.

Home Spa Heaven
Home time is also a good time to think about being a natural beauty. A home spa can be one of the most fulfilling staycation activities on your list. Shake of anxiety or stress with a long soak in an epsom salt bath. Learn how to incorporate natural beauty ingredients like honey or castile soap into your regimen. Make a sugar scrub and top off your dewy skin with rose water and the skin care oil that you like best.

Homemade Pizza
For dinner, treat yourself to a tasty homemade pizza (shown below) with seasonal vegetable toppings. The trick to making staycation activities fun is to take something you ordinarily do and find a way to make it special. We have plenty of yummy recipes you make make pretty easily. Skillet recipes are no-fuss and a hearty vegetable soup or spicy chili makes for great leftovers. Take a look at our favorite taco recipes or add a Netflix cooking show to your queue for additional inspiration from the pros.

Movie Night
Speaking of Netflix, you might like to explore British crime dramas that we love and add a little mystery to your life. Movies and shows are perfectly acceptable staycation activities. Resist the urge to binge watch all day and use a movie or show as a special treat. Try a Woody Allen flick if you want something upbeat or funny. There are also plenty of movies with a scintillating Ennio Morricone soundtrack if you’re a music lover. You can also dig into old 80s classics (and relate to a handful of kids stuck inside).

Share Your Ideas
We want your ideas! Leave your favorite staycation activities in the comments below. Our community of readers will thank you! Let us know if you have an easy craft idea or examples of how to transfer your home environment into a travel-worthy place. We know we’ve barely scratched the surface here and would love to hear from you.
We put dishes up at the end of the hallway and then shot them with the pellet gun 😉