Our final installment of the Feng Shui element series will help you kick off the New Year with purpose. The addition of the metal element to your home decor will bring in the type of energy that helps you focus. […]
Our final installment of the Feng Shui element series will help you kick off the New Year with purpose. The addition of the metal element to your home decor will bring in the type of energy that helps you focus. […]
Welcome back to a fresh installment of the five elements of Feng Shui. This month, we will look at the bright, bold and happy energy of the Feng Shui fire element. The fire element contains the energy of a bright […]
Never change! But if you’re looking for a little personal growth, the wood element can certainly help. This is one of the 5 Feng Shui elements that can contribute to the energy in your home. Learn how to incorporate some […]
Welcome to another installment on the five elements of Feng Shui. This month, we will look at the water element and how it works to speed up or slow down the flow of chi. Chi is energy that works like […]
We just celebrated Taurus this month and in the same week, compiled some easy cleaning lists for your home. Coincidence? I think not. Feng Shui is the study of energy and focuses on five major elements: earth, metal, water, wood, […]
We all know the importance of getting a restful night’s sleep. Adding a little Feng Shui to the bedroom will create a sanctuary that you or your partner will want to escape to more often. Creating a soothing environment that […]
We’re so happy so many of our readers have been picking up the Feng Shui vibe. (Be sure to check out our article on the bagua for a refresher course if you need.) Now that you’ve picked out one or […]
Do you wake up excited to start your work day? Do you have a hidden aspiration that you have tucked away for later? Are you embarking on a side job to bring in a little extra cash? Are you hoping […]
Do the members of your household uplift you? Or bring you down? How do you feel about your ancestry and heritage? Focusing on the Family center of your home can help you appreciate the positive qualities of your relatives. Use […]
Romance is in the air and relationships are on our minds. Time to use a little Feng Shui magic to enhance the love you’ve got or attract some to your life! Your home should always be an inviting retreat where […]
No matter what you do for a living, first impressions are always important. A first impression gets your foot in the door, but a good reputation earns repeat business. Use Feng Shui to help you be more mindful of the impact you […]
Now that Santa has done his thing, time to stoke the fire back up! This has certainly been a cold winter season so far (speaking on behalf of all freezing Southern Californians). As the stockings start to come down, your […]
One of the principle ideas in Feng Shui is circulation. Money is a very fluid form of prosperity and should circulate in and out of your life in a positive way. Prosperity is more of a mindset than a financial […]
Looking to embark on a new creative project or want to express more creativity? Focusing on improving relationships with your children? Considering adding children to your family? Pay attention to this area of the bagua and allow children to play a […]
Anyone on a health kick? You can use the decor in your home and a few basic principles from Feng Shui to enhance this part of your life. Your health affects the way you view what’s currently happening in your […]
You’ve heard the phrase, “it’s not what you do, it’s who you know”. Bringing helpful people into your life (and keeping them there) is vital to your livelihood and mental well-being alike! Think of the friends you have who make you […]
In Feng Shui, the Knowledge and Wisdom area deals with higher education as well as inner study and growth. If you are a student or are wanting to broaden your perspective through learning, this is a living area you should […]
In my first Feng Shui overview article, I showed you the bagua. The bagua is basically like a blueprint of the nine energy centers in your home. Our living spaces are reflections of our day-to-day living – when our lives […]
Practicing Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is like turning your home into a living, breathing inspiration board. Not sure how to decorate, or where to put things? Feng Shui works as a handy-dandy guide that gets you moving in the right […]